
Australia’s first digital shipbuilding course has commenced.

Australian Pump believe that the RAN should follow USN and make Envelop mandatory on all major topside assets.

Air Affairs Australia (AAA) were involved in the recent successful missile firing carried out in Australian waters by HMAS Arunta.

HIFRASER is aiming to build its Australian Sovereign Supply Chain for hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical systems & services for the Attack Class submarine program.

Australian company PMB Defence and Greek company Systems Sunlight S.A. have signed subcontracts with Naval Group Australia to design the main storage batteries for the Attack class submarines.

Tenders are being sought from Australian industry for an 'innovative' sustainment model for the RAN’s new Offshore Patrol Vessels.

Navy’s final Air Warfare Destroyer, NUSHIP Sydney, has been officially handed over to Defence.

A long-term partnership between Defence and members of Australia’s hydrographic industry has been established with the commencement of the new HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program.

A $1.45 million grant from the government-funded Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (IMCRC), matched by industry funding, will help develop and pilot cutting-edge manufacturing technologies for the Hunter class build.

Naval Group has committed to 60 per cent Australian Industry Capability (AIC) for the Future Submarines.

JFD Australia will continue to supply its submarine rescue system to the RAN for at least the next four years.

The Senate enquiry into Australia’s sovereign naval shipbuilding capability has continued to receive submissions this week, notably from ASC and the SA government.

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds has responded to comments made by Naval Group Australia CEO John Davis to ADM and The Australian.

Naval Group Australia CEO John Davis has made his first public response to the ANAO report disclosing delays in the Future Submarine program.

Naval Group and the Department of Defence have released a joint statement listing all Australian companies sub-contracted to Sea 1000.

Defence has signed an Enterprise Partnering Agreement with Saab Australia to deliver their ‘Next Generation’ Combat Management System.