• Marine Simon Spratt, Acting Managing Director of Babcock Australasia, and Franmarine CEO Adam Falconer-West.
Credit: Babcock
    Marine Simon Spratt, Acting Managing Director of Babcock Australasia, and Franmarine CEO Adam Falconer-West. Credit: Babcock

Babcock Australasia (Babcock) and Franmarine have signed a new agreement to deliver underwater sustainment and biofouling management services for naval marine programs across Australia.

As part of the RMP-West Program, Babcock and Franmarine are now able to provide integrated biofouling management support to all Defence surface ships located in Western Australia.

The partnership enables the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) fleet to meet the Australian biofouling management requirements, keeping Australian waters secure by preventing the introduction and spread of invasive marine species.

The services will be delivered through the Warship Assist Management Agreement (WAMA), Asset Class Prime Contractor (ACPC) and Regional Maintenance Provider West (RMP-West) programs.

Babcock and Franmarine have delivered biofouling management and ships husbandry capability to the RAN since 2018, supporting the Anzac Class Frigates through the WAMA sustainment program, and the Landing Helicopter Docks (LHDs) through the ACPC program.

“Babcock’s partnership with Franmarine demonstrates our commitment to invest in local industry to deliver innovation and capability to the Australian Defence Force," said Marine Simon Spratt, Babcock's Acting Managing Director.

“This is a great example of how Babcock continues to support small and medium enterprises. We remain committed to supporting and growing our sovereign supply chain, helping Australia to remain safe and secure.”

Franmarine CEO Adam Falconer-West said the partnership with Babcock was instrumental to the company’s growth in the region.

“Franmarine now delivers a holistic biofouling management capability while continually augmenting conventional ships husbandry capability with innovation and technology. This approach has proven to enhance productivity outputs and deliverables,” said Mr Falconer-West.

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