
Once again the ANAO has not sugar-coated its view on how Defence is handling Land 200, a multi billion-dollar program to modernise Army into a 4th generation force.

Hanwha Defence Australia announced teaming arrangements for its Land 400 Phase 3 bid in Melbourne on May 23.


Army seeks new UAS

Defence has released a tender for a new SUAS ‘plus’ for use by Army battlegroups, Special Forces, and Regional Force Surveillance Units.

Over 300 Defence industry representatives gathered in Canberra yesterday to get an update from senior Army capability leaders.

The argument for self-propelled guns has been sharpened, but it is unclear how 30 guns will be split across the ADF and whether Hanwha will choose to partner with Raytheon on the build.

The government is resuscitating a program to acquire self-propelled howitzers for the Army with signs of support from Labor.

The first orders for artillery shells from the Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions Forging Plant in Maryborough have been confirmed by the German Bundeswehr.

Harris Defence Australia has signed a contract to deliver a mobile tactical command system for the NZ Army.

The Australian Ambassador to Germany and senior military representatives have inspected the first Australian Boxer vehicle.

Redarc has signed a contract with Thales Australia to provide a power supply for the Hawkei protected vehicle.

Defence conducted the latest in a series of industry briefs for its combined Lethality (Land 159 and 4108) program in Melbourne on January 31.


Land 400 Phase 3 bids in the box

By the time these words appear in print the tender for Land 400 Phase 3, Army’s $15 billion Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) acquisition program, will have closed.

Bisalloy Steels has reported 'significant' progress with the development of specialised armour steel for the Land 400 Phase 2 program.

Saab will update the Wireless Audio Visual Emergency System (WAVES) equipment for the Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) System.

The Integrated Land Target System Program has briefed around thirty separate industry entities on the Request for Information.

Albury-based manufacturer Milspec Manufacturing has been selected to supply critical products for the Rheinmetall MAN range of high mobility logistics trucks.