• C: Rheinmetall
    C: Rheinmetall

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds and Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price have announced IOC for Land 121 Phases 3B and 5B, the ADF's next-gen medium and heavy vehicle fleet.

Under  Land 121 Phase 3B and Phase 5B (Project Overlander) 3,751 vehicles, 4,730 modules and 2,565 trailers will be delivered across the ADF.

“Army’s equipment is becoming better protected, more flexible and longer ranging, and that includes our new heavy vehicle fleets," Brigadier Todd Ashurst, Director General Logistics for Army, said to ADM. "These fleets are the safest and most advanced heavy vehicles we’ve ever had.”

“These new medium, heavy and semi-trailer vehicles replace a fleet that is more than 30 years old with a next-generation vehicle and specialist modules,” Minister Reynolds said.

“They will be used for a range of military deployments, from resupplying combat operations to supporting Defence’s assistance to Australian and regional communities after natural disasters.”

The new fleet has provided enhanced support for a range of Defence operations in Australia, including the response to the Townsville floods and Defence’s ongoing contributions to Operation Bushfire Assist.

“For 121 3B, IOC will look like the ability to deploy a protected battlegroup,” Head Land Systems Major General Andrew Bottrell explained to ADM late last year. “So that’s around 100 medium-heavyweight trucks in three configurations; the integrated load handling system, the heavy recovery vehicle, and the truck-tractor, as well as all the bulk liquid storage and maintenance modules.”

The fleet has also supported Pacific neighbours, for both security operations and partnered exercises.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the success of Project Overlander would not have been possible without partnering with Rheinmetall and Haulmark Trailers Australia, together with their extensive network of Australian industry partners including Varley in Newcastle, Holmwood Highgate in Brisbane and ECLIPS in Canberra.

“This project is an example of how our investment in defence industry is not only growing our sovereign capability, but is delivering jobs and opportunities for companies right across Australia,” Minister Price said.

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