• HIMARS can fire a salvo of six GMLRS munitions within 30 seconds. (US Army)
    HIMARS can fire a salvo of six GMLRS munitions within 30 seconds. (US Army)
  • US Marine Corps HIMARS conduct a simulated fire mission during a HIMARS Rapid Infiltration event as a part of Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. (Defence)
    US Marine Corps HIMARS conduct a simulated fire mission during a HIMARS Rapid Infiltration event as a part of Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. (Defence)
  • HIMARS has demonstrated its ability to receive targeting data in
mid flight. (Defence)
    HIMARS has demonstrated its ability to receive targeting data in mid flight. (Defence)
  • Lockheed Martin is ramping up HIMARS production in its facility in Arkansas to 96 units per year. (Lockheed Martin)
    Lockheed Martin is ramping up HIMARS production in its facility in Arkansas to 96 units per year. (Lockheed Martin)

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