The government has approved the accelerated acquisition of improved weapon capabilities for the ADF at a total cost of $3.5 billion.
Minister for Defence Peter Dutton today announced that Defence will accelerate the acquisition of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended Range (JASSM-ER) for the Royal Australian Air Force; the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) for the Royal Australian Navy’s surface fleet; and maritime mines to secure Australia’s ports and maritime approaches.
“With Australia’s strategic environment becoming more complex and challenging, our ADF must be able to hold potential adversary forces and infrastructure at risk from a greater distance,” Minister Dutton said.
“These world-class strike weapon systems will equip our forces to better protect Australia’s maritime approaches and when necessary, contribute to Coalition operations in our region.”
“The JASSM-ER will enable the FA-18F Super Hornet, and in future the F-35A Lightning II, to engage targets at a range of 900km.”
Acquisition of the Kongsberg NSM to replace the Harpoon anti-ship missile in the ANZAC Class frigates and Hobart Class destroyers provides a significant enhancement to Australia’s maritime strike capability – more than doubling the current maritime strike range of Navy's frigates and destroyers.
"Our ANZAC Class frigates and Hobart Class destroyers will soon receive Naval Strike Missiles, following an announcement by the Australian Government. NSM’s will further strengthen RAN's ability to protect and defend Australia's maritime interests, and fight and win at sea," Chief of Navy Michael Noonan said.
Commencing in 2024, ANZAC Class frigates and Hobart Class destroyers will have the NSM capability installed.