The ADF Deployable Health Capability program (JP2060 Phase 3) has moved to the risk mitigation activity phase, with bidders notified whether they are still in the running.
The program is for a completely deployable health facility that allows for three layers of healthcare: primary, triage (including surgery, labs, pharmacy) and specialist (including surgery, diagnostics and lab), including physical structures, power, water, waste disposal facility, the generation, storage and distribution of oxygen and the supply and support of all medial and dental equipment. The solution must be modular in order to evolve as health technology changes.
At the time of the Request for Tender (RfT), the integration of acquisition and support of the capability from the outset was a novel approach.
Known bidders for JP2060 Phase 3 are: Saab, Aspen Medical, Philips, Marshal, and Broadspectrum; Airbus Defence and Siemens; Leidos Australia; and Mobilis Medical.
ADM understands that the Saab team is the preferred tenderer. The news was fatal for Mobilis Medical, which intends to wrap up operations over the next few months.
Airbus and Leidos were contacted but did not provide comment.
The RfT gave a generous timeframe to allow companies to collaborate on the solution as no individual company is able to deliver the full requirement.
“The Risk Mitigation Activity stage explores, reduces or eliminates areas of uncertainty and risk associated with the tender process through a series of workshops and deliverables,” a Defence spokesperson said to ADM.
“Defence is unable to provide further details on which companies/bidding teams have successfully moved to the Risk Mitigation Activity stage as it relates to an ongoing Tender Evaluation.
“The Deployable Health Capability program’s next major deadline is planned for early 2020 when Defence will seek Government approval.”
ADM Comment: The various phases of JP2060 have been a long running saga for Defence. With numerous RFIs and approaches to market over the years it is good to see some movement on this capability. ADM understands that the process has suffered the vagaries of funding and scope creep over the years but is now at a point where it can hopefully deliver sooner rather than later.
Phase 4, e-health management, is next cab off the rank, and will be mainly an ICT led program with many of the usual contenders in the mix, ADM understands. These include Accenture, Leidos, and IBM with more set to emerge as the process continues.