Cyber + Space

The first of the Australian Space Agency (ASA) engagement roadshows kicked off this week in Canberra.

The launch of Australia’s space agency last month comes as good news to many. The agency will allow government to implement 
its national space strategy and act as coordinating body for Australia’s burgeoning space economy.

The Australian Space Agency is seeking input from businesses and organisations interested in using space technologies or contributing to the sector.

A digital forensics lab and virtualised computing are among the features of the new headquarters for UNSW Canberra Cyber.

The recent launch of new Japanese satellites has boosted satellite positioning capabilities in Western Australia.

The Defence Innovation Hub has awarded contracts for the development of new situational awareness capabilities.

Since the new Australian Space Agency launched this week on July 1, the local space community has been coming out in force to support the renewed interest in all things space related for the nascent body.

Australia's new space agency opens on July 1 and debate about where it should be headquartered are distracting.

According to a recent report from Accenture, approximately 86 per cent of aerospace and defence companies expect to integrate blockchain into their corporate systems within three years.

With antecedents stretching back to the UK’s Chain Home radar system of WWII, Australia’s world-leading Jindalee Over-The-Horizon Radar Network (JORN) is embarking on a major upgrade to combat future threats, including those likely to be posed by hypersonic missiles.

The ASPI space conference saw industry take the opportunity to announce their own research plans in the space realm.

Lockheed Martin and Curtin University are applying technology previously used to observe meteorite fireballs to track satellites.

CSIRO has announced a new research centre focused on collecting and analysing data about Earth from space.

Defence is stepping up investments in the ‘Internet of Things’ as Australian technology looks set to integrate the concept into military operations.

The first Defence Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Trusted Autonomous Systems has been launched in Brisbane at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2018.

Reports have emerged suggesting that the British government may seek Australian assistance in building its own satellite navigation system.