Cyber + Space

ASX-listed company Kleos Space has announced the signature of a second Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus, as both companies investigate opportunities to collaborate for the in-space manufacture of structural elements.

Lockheed Martin Australia has become the first Foundation Partner with the University of Adelaide’s new Australian Institute for Machine Learning.

The Australian Space Agency has signed a statement of strategic intent with Sitael Australia, a designer and manufacturer of satellites.

Deputy PM Michael McCormack has turned the first sod to mark the construction phase of a Defence Satellite Ground Station at Kapooka.

The Australian Space Agency has formally entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with counterpart agencies in Canada and the UK.

Defence Science and Technology (DST) and Adelaide-based Daronmont Technologies have announced a new research agreement to explore next generation technology options for Defence applications.

The Australian Space Agency has signed a statement of strategic intent with European manufacturing giant Airbus Defence and Space SAS.

The latest industry roadmap published by CSIRO encourages the growing domestic space sector to join with international partners to adopt a bold challenge.

Key growth opportunities for Australia’s space sector have been identified in a CSIRO report launched at the 18th Australian Space Research Conference on the Gold Coast.

Kleos Space has signed a contract with US orbital launch provider Rocket Lab to launch the scouting mission satellites that will geolocate maritime radios.

DWS Group has been appointed to the new ICT Provider Arrangement (ICTPA) for Defence.

An engine expert from the University of South Australia (UniSA) will spend the next three years working on a $3 million international project to build Australia’s first launch pad to send satellites into space.

Elbit Systems has been chosen to deliver a Cyber Training range for the Department of Defence under a three year contract to boost Australia’s cyber security capability.

The Australian Space Agency and its French counterpart have entered into an agreement that will help both nations work together to develop their respective space programs.

A satellite jointly developed by UNSW Canberra Space and Defence Science and Technology (DST) has been operating on-orbit successfully for more than nine months.

ISO has just published the first-ever international technical specification for small spacecraft.