Cyber + Space

British company CGC Systems has been contracted to supply and install the first antenna systems at the first Australian Ground Network site near Geraldton.

The Australian Space Agency has announced that it will set up its national headquarters in Adelaide.

Leidos has been awarded a task order by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to manage cyber and enterprise security operations.

The space industry is set to benefit from expert guidance from University of Adelaide lawyers on Australian and international laws that regulate their activities.

CSIRO has announced that it will be extending its Earth observation capabilities by acquiring Australia’s first Cubesat designed to detect infrared light.

Airbus has opened the world’s first High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite flight base in Wyndham, WA, which will serve as the launch site for the Zephyr UAV.

A Cyber Security Innovation Node will be established in NSW as part of a national network to accelerate the growth of the cyber security industry.

Despite the proliferation of small satellite technologies and an overall trend towards lower launch costs, space is still a very expensive place to be.

The NSW government has launched the first Cyber Security Industry Development Strategy.

The Commonwealth has officially opened the Joint Cyber Security Centre (JCSC) in Adelaide.

CSIRO is investing $35 million in frontier research in space technology and artificial intelligence.

British satellite communications station Goonhilly Earth Station has joined the consortium backing the SmartSat CRC, an Australian space research initiative.

Siemens has announced a software grant with an in-kind commercial value of over half a billion dollars to the University of Queensland.

Austal Australia has been hit by a cyber security breach and a subsequent extortion attempt.

The government has approved the Australian Space Agency’s Charter to support the development of national civil space priorities.

Attend any space-related conference in Australia, and you’ll find one acronym crops up time and again – UNSW.