Cyber + Space

ADM’s first Space Summit attracted government and industry leaders to present on the local space sector and its intersection with Defence.

Cyber attacks are evolving in terms of what they target and the changing methods of attack, yet 77 per cent of organisations do not even have a cybersecurity plan.

One project explores whether ‘quantum’ radar can be used to detect stealth aircraft.

The investment makes the SmartSat CRC, a national research powerhouse involving $190 million of funding, the biggest investment in space industry R&D in Australian history.

The Australian Space Agency (ASA) has released a 10 year plan to guide the growth of the country’s civilian space industry.

One of the biggest reasons that satellites go dead is that they simply run out of fuel. This means they can no longer course correct to stay in their designated orbit. What does in-space refuelling look like?

If you’re looking to build a spaceport, Australia is a good place to start. So why don't we have one?

A Defence High Performance Computing Centre is to be constructed at the Defence Science and Technology site in Edinburgh, SA.

The government has announced that it will put $6 million towards a Mission Control Centre for the Australian Space Agency.

Defence has partnered with industry to develop Defence’s space capability at SpaceFest 2019, a capability demonstration and equipment trial.


Australia's new intelligence realm

When our intelligence chiefs look at the external challenges facing Australia they generally nominate the three “C’s”—China, counter-terrorism and cyberspace—as their primary focus.

The official signing of the Lockheed Martin Statement of Strategic Intent and Cooperation with the Australian Space Agency was held in Melbourne on the sidelines of the 2019 Avalon Air Show.

Professor Greg Austin, Deputy Director of UNSW Canberra Cyber, has warned that Australia and allied states are at risk of experiencing a cyber ‘blitzkrieg’.

Myriota has partnered with Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems to develop and launch multiple satellites in 2019.

Fighting cyber-attacks using AI to create stronger ‘cyber traps’ is the focus of two ground-breaking Australian research projects.

Defence has signed three major contracts to deliver ICT support services.