Cyber + Space

Australia’s emerging quantum technology sector could support 16,000 jobs and create over $4 billion annual revenue by 2040, according to a report by CSIRO.

Kleos Space, an ASX-listed company, has been awarded a contract to prepare Kleos data to be accessed by the Micro-Satellite Military Utility (MSMU Project) Project Arrangement (PA).

The leading hybrid rocket launch provider is developing lower-cost, reliable and dedicated rockets to launch small satellites into low earth orbits.

The project will see a cross-sector team exploring ways of integrating both laser-based optical and radio frequency (RF) communications technologies in a single SATCOM user terminal.

BAE Systems aims to develop machine learning analytics as a service – a cloud-based model for the government – that can leverage commercial and open source data to deliver constant worldwide situational awareness.

Images of space from the Space Surveillance Telescope in remote Western Australia have been captured.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has seen as rise in cyber-attacks using the crisis as a cover to target small businesses and the health sector in Australia.

The Australian Signals Directorate is cracking down on offshore cyber criminals who are targeting Australian households and businesses during the on-going pandemic.

Defence has put out an invitation to participate in a co-design process related to the refresh of the Commonwealth’s ICT Provider Arrangement, one of the federal government’s largest IT panels.

As the Australian Space Agency (ASA) finds its feet in a new 
Adelaide headquarters, the Australian space sector has been moving 
from strength to strength.

With greater investment in manned-unmanned teaming, will come a need for developing 
sovereign space capabilities to manage these systems, enhance ADF C4ISR resiliency, 
and burden share in orbit with the US and other key partners.

Western Sydney University (WSU) and RAAF’s Astrosite tech will be attached to the side of the International Space Station.

ArianeGroup has announced that the Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT), located south of Alice Springs, will host their GEOTracker station.

Businesses are at risk of losing their Defence contract if an employee’s actions lead to a security breach, regulatory breach, or loss of Defence information.

Leonardo Australia has become the latest company to add its support to the SmartSat CRC.

Airbus announced that it is supporting the SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre.