Cyber + Space

The US Space Force’s latest missile warning satellite is ready for launch, after finishing production nearly a month ahead of schedule.

Two Australian businesses and a leading NSW university will share in $1.2 million as part of a program to strengthen Australia’s critical geospatial intelligence capabilities.

Myriota will use its network of nano-satellites to retrieve data from sensors across hundreds of Defence platforms.

The Federal Government has granted $678,487 for the company to manufacture Responsive Common Use Booster (RCUB) propellant for commercial use.

Three scientists from the University of Adelaide's School of Computer Science have signed agreements to work on cyber deception technologies.

New research from Curtin University has found the Moon may have been subjected to much greater impacts from asteroids and other bodies than previously thought, building on our understanding of the Moon’s earliest geologic evolution.

Space Machines Company has announced partnerships with Fleet Space Technologies, Adelaide's nanosatellite manufacturer, and Leaf Space, a global provider of ground segment as-a-service (GSaaS) solutions.

Boeing has signed an agreement with RMIT to merge its expertise in space product development with RMIT's advanced manufacturing research.

All eyes to the sky

Three years since the founding of the Australian Space Agency, the country is moving increasingly closer to truly sovereign space capabilities. Two companies driving this progress are EW company DEWC Systems and launch provider Gilmour Space.

Electro Optic Systems Holdings has established an EOS Professorial Chair in Laser Physics at the University of South Australia (UniSA).

Head of Air Force Capability, Air Vice-Marshal Cath Roberts, and the Director General Air Defence and Space, Air Commodore Philip Gordon, have announced the next phase of the Australian M2 satellite mission.

Canberra-based space startup Infinity Avionics will expand its space camera solutions, now to develop high-resolution cameras for a range of space applications including earth observation, space-based space surveillance, and spacecraft monitoring.

Defence’s Space Domain Awareness roadmap has evolved since a Request for Proposals was issued to industry in the middle of 2020, and it now looks to deliver capability in a number of tranches under the overarching JP9360 program.

Kleos Space has secured $12.6m million from "new and existing institutional and sophisticated investors."

In-orbit inspection company HEO Robotics has raised a seed financing round to launch its HEO Inspect product and help scale its services.

The government has given regulatory approval for a commercial rocket launch to take place later this year from Southern Launch's newly licensed launch facility in South Australia.