
Although Army hopes to declare Final Operational Capability (FOC) in early 2016 for its Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH), progress continues to be hampered by supply chain difficulties in Europe.

Australia will acquire eight Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft, with options on four more, and has committed to the acquisition of the Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton unmanned system.

With the introduction into service of 12 EA-18G Growlers in 2018 or thereabouts, the RAAF will, for the first time, have an airborne electronic attack capability which will be able to disrupt or jam a range of military electronics systems, such as air defence systems.

The RAN’s new MH-60R combat helicopters will be able to operate with Mk54 torpedoes and AGM-114N Hellfire missiles from Hobart class air warfare destroyers (AWDs) from the time the ships are commissioned, although some alternative procedures will need to be used until the ships receive the “Romeo” modification after delivery.

Over the remainder of this decade, Australia’s Lockheed Martin AP-3C Orions will begin to be replaced by a mix of manned and unmanned platforms under the umbrella of Project Air 7000, but the transition needs to be carefully managed to ensure no shortfall in maritime ISR capability.

Last year was an important year for the international Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program as it continued to reduce risk and meet both internal and external challenges.

The maiden flight of the first Alenia Aermacchi C-27J Spartan for the RAAF in mid-December marks a significant milestone in the ADF’s quest to acquire a Battlefield Airlift (BFA) capability.

Yet another delay to Air 5428 Phase 1 (Fixed Wing Pilot Training System); this time with the closing date of the long-awaited Request for Tender (RFT) pushed back six weeks from 17 February to 31 March.

In many respects Australia is leading the world in the introduction of new satellite and ground-based technologies in air traffic management. Further advances in these and other innovations are sure to emerge with the replacement of the current Australian Advanced Air Traffic System (TAAATS) system by a combined civil/military system.

On December 10, the Royal Australian Navy became the first international operator of the Sikorsky Seahawk MH-60R “Romeo” anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopter.

With the removal of 3RAR’s jump status in 2012, the Australian Army no longer has a conventional parachute-infantry force and the only combat units to retain a parachute capability are the Special Air Services Regiment and the 1st and 2nd Commando Regiments.

Back in 2009, The Government’s white paper on aviation saw little advantage in Airservices Australia and Defence providing separate air navigation services in Australia. With major equipment upgrades due this year the then Labor Government saw an “ideal opportunity” to synchronise and harmonise these air traffic services.

With the RAAF’s C-130J medium transport fleet having recently completed a significant block upgrade, planning is under way for another such capability enhancement but a third is likely to be deferred for at least two years.

After a long and challenging introduction to service the MRH 90 Taipan Multi-Role Helicopter is now showing signs of maturity and has recently achieved two significant milestones, but the program is running three years behind schedule and has been a Project of Concern (PoC) since November 2011.

Last year it was announced that the RAAF’s Hawk 127 lead-in fighter trainers are to be upgraded to a configuration based on the so-called new generation T2 model Hawk 128 flown by the UK Royal Air Force.

The Interim Basic Flying Training (IBFT) course that BAE Systems Australia runs at Tamworth has turned out to be more than just a gap filler as the ADF brings together Air 5428. The site is now home to a multinational cohort of students for both rotary and fixed wing training.