• The Innovaero OWL munition. (Innovaero)
    The Innovaero OWL munition. (Innovaero)

Perth-based SME Innovaero, partnering with BAE Systems Australia in the development of the Strix unmanned aerial system, is independently developing a next-generation extended-range autonomous loitering munition. 

Dubbed the Owl, the electrically-powered munition has a maximum range of nearly 200 km, or can loiter for 30 minutes at a range of 100 km. 

Precision targeting of stationary or moving targets is effected by an electro-optical/infrared camera and a range of anti-armour and fragmentation warheads of up to 7kg. 

Greg Tunny, Innovaero’s Chief Strategy and Development Officer, told ADM at the Avalon Airshow that the lethal effect of the anti-armour warhead would be similar to that of a Javelin missile.

Development of the Owl had been underway for several years with Defence funding and a prototype (without warhead) had been successfully demonstrated to Defence last November.

A preproduction prototype would be demonstrated at the end of 2023 with a decision then to be taken on the munition’s future.

The Owl can be either launched by catapult or (with folded wings) pneumatically from a two-metre canister.

Lengthen and wingspan are both 1.6m and gross weight is 30 kg.

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