Defence has partnered with app developer Elegant Media to create an online platform for the storage, management, and access to regulatory aviation information.
The project, which has been named the ‘Manual of Continuing Air Worthiness’, will provide a streamlined approach for ADF staff who are employed in aviation related duties to access regulative documentation via a single source website and smart application.
The project commenced in August and is expected to conclude in November, with sustainment works continuing until the end of 2021.
“We are really proud to have been selected by the Department of Defence to develop this much-needed content platform for its employees,” co-founder and CEO of Elegant Media, Anushka Bandara, said.
“The platform is a wonderful example of how software technology can help people in the workplace, regardless of the type of industry, to undertake their work with access to important and up to date information real time.”
The project, managed by Flight Lieutenant Justin Crosby and Flight Sergeant Daniel Cividin, has involved digitising the relevant regulative corporate processes, putting in place systems for real time updates and then creating an online platform in the form of a website and app to enable staff to access the information at any time from virtually any location.
“Many industries such as aviation are information and regulation intensive and involve needing to access significant volumes of information,” FLTLT Justin Crosby said. “This requires fast and immediate access to the content at any time.
“This project will provide our people with the ability to access the information easily online rather than having to continually refer to hard copy versions of the documentation.”
“Our software is developed using machine learning and other intelligent solutions so our focus is ensuring the technology we install intuitively supports the complex needs of human operations,” Anushka added.
“App development isn’t just about helping people to access or source goods and services at the touch of their fingers, it’s also about helping organisations and their staff to find better ways of doing things so as to improve productivity and enhance service delivery.
“We are really proud to be working with the Department of Defence to help them find ways to enhance workplace systems for their people.”