
RDA Committees will now pro-actively target, seek and negotiate with private companies, not-for-profits and governments of all levels to bring jobs and investment to their regions.

The largest ever software grant in Australia will help develop the workforce of the future across the entire work lifecycle from apprenticeships to PhDs.

SpaceX is particularly interested in HTA's vacuum brazing process.

XTEK has embarked on an extensive engineering development program to develop innovative and unique products that can be commercialised for sale in both the local and global markets.

Codarra began as a ‘pretty sure I can do it better’ idea from two Defence industry guys. Almost 30 years later, they’re still right.

While the Australian shipbuilding debate has centred on traditional centres Norship Marine business development executive Graham Wharton believes there are at least two north Australian cities missing.

Bad weather shipboard helicopter operations could almost be the poster child for sensory overload.

With a number of major Defence capability acquisition contracts up for grabs in the near future and the recent awarding of a major F-35 sustainment contract, Northrop Grumman Australia is looking to double its local workforce by 2020.

In December 2016 Perth-based Orbital Corporation announced it had signed an agreement to provide engines for Boeing’s Insitu UAV division, maker of the ScanEagle UAV.

Since signing the Jet Aircraft Support Contract in 2015 for ADF training support tasks including Aerial Target Towing, Air Affairs Australia has been experiencing a period of exponential growth.

When Milskil founder and CEO John Lonergan first floated the idea of civil instructors joining the ADF’s elite Hornet operational training team in 2002, he saw it as a win-win all round.

TAE Gas Turbines have recently delivered the first Abrams tank engine back to the Army after undergoing a major overhaul in its facility at RAAF Base Amberley.

Some 100 high security buildings providing three million sq ft of floor space in the high desert northeast of Los Angeles house Lockheed Martin's famed Skunk Works, a facility where, according to one executive, “anything that you can imagine, we're already working on”.

When Defence and defence industry meet at the negotiating table the playing field hasn’t always been a level one. ADM spoke with those working to improve the negotiated value of outcomes on Defence projects – for both sides of the table.

Australia's red dirt and spinifex outback, once amusingly described by British humourist Ben Elton as suitable only as a dingo's dunny, is turning into a major strategic asset, specifically the bit that comprises the Woomera Range Complex.

In the modern battlespace it’s no longer good enough to have the fastest, best-armed or heaviest lifting platform, according to Airbus Defence and Space chief Fernando Alonso. In the modern fight, those platforms have to become ‘smarter’, able to process and share more information than ever before.