• The MHFCS is one of Boeing’s first high-value products developed outside the US for international sale.
    The MHFCS is one of Boeing’s first high-value products developed outside the US for international sale.

Boeing Defence Australia and Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) have announced a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to jointly market Boeing's Modernised High Frequency Communications System (MHFCS) internationally.

The MOA establishes that with the award of a contract to acquire the MHFCS, RFS will provide its antenna systems - known as antenna rosette - to complement Boeing's system.

Prior to a contract being awarded, BDA and RFS will share in presenting and demonstrating the system to military, government and telecommunication providers around the world.

"Developed over 10 years for use by the Australian Defence Force (ADF), Boeing's MHFCS is independently recognised as the world's most advanced system of its type," Steve Parker, vice president and general manager of Network & Space Systems for BDA, said.

"RFS is an important supplier of antenna systems to BDA, and this agreement marks the next step in our teams' successful collaboration.

"RFS' expertise in the innovative design, manufacture and installation of high-frequency antennas significantly strengthens our MHFCS offering."

The MHFCS is one of Boeing's first high-value products developed outside the US for international sale.

The system facilitates the secure exchange of information and data such as voice, e-mail, facsimile and web browsing between fixed and mobile stations via high-frequency communications.

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