Wideband STT certified by NSA
The Wideband Small Tactical Terminal (STT) (KOR-24A), co-developed by ViaSat Inc. and Harris Corporation has been certified by NSA and is ready for delivery to US and international military customers.
The two-channel KOR-24A is being delivered with a Link 16 channel together with the ability to simultaneously use the wideband UHF Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) or Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2).
Integration with multiple platforms is in progress and nearly 100 terminals are already on order.
Along with the new software-defined, wideband waveforms, the new STT includes narrowband VHF/UHF SINCGARS, HAVE QUICK, VULOS, and HPW, as well as Link 16.
The enhanced STT is also backward compatible with approximately 150 previous-version STTs already in operation on a number of US government and international airborne, surface, and ground-based platforms.
“This added capability brings the modern wideband UHF waveforms to a new set of users who want modern networking in addition to NATO and U.S. coalition standard Link 16 communications,” Ken Peterman, executive VP of ViaSat Government Systems Division said.
“The acceptance of the enhanced STT by the community has exceeded our expectations and confirms the need for this product.”