• The RAAF was the first foreign air force to receive JTAC training accreditation from the US.
    The RAAF was the first foreign air force to receive JTAC training accreditation from the US.

Modern JTACs (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers) in the ADF have gone through an accreditation process that authorises them to direct, from forward positions, the actions of US and Australian combat aircraft engaged in Close Air Support and other offensive air operations.

In 2006, the RAAF became the first foreign air force to receive JTAC training accreditation from the US Joint Forces Command.

A further recent development has been the introduction of the Joint Fires Observer (JFO) qualification.

The US-accredited JFO enables trained personnel at small combat team level to provide target information to JTAC for specific Close Air Support missions.

However we hear that courses are ‘swamped' by SF.

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